I remember watching this the first time and the company I watched this with ruined the experience for me. At the time I thought it was average and recently I had the chance to watch it on cable, and my view changed dramatically. This ranks up there with Dumb and Dumber and Moulin Rouge as my most dramatic opinion swings regarding a movie. In Dumb and Dumber it took me until the 4th or 5th time before I truly appreciated it. For Moulin Rouge, I had to finally sit down and watch beyond the "green fairy" portion of the film. Anyways on with the rating.
Acting / Dialogue (9): I think it took me moving into the south to truly appreciate the acting performances and the dialogue. Being from Michigan and knowing many "U-pers" the performance just seemed normal. Escaping from the north I realize that each of these characters nailed their parts. Frances McDormand and William H. Macy have never been better.
Cinematography / Effects / Music (8.5): Another appreciation I gained from the second viewing is how well they nailed the winters of the north. It's painfully cold.
Plot Originality / Effectiveness (9.5): The ransom concept is nothing new, but the way everything is portrayed and the relationship between Macy's character and his father-in-law is classic. Along with the relationship between Buscemi and Stomare.
Viewing Experience (9): The second time around I really enjoyed this film. It has a little bit of everything and the acting is top notch. The dialogue gets funnier with each viewing.
Cumulative: 9
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