Directed By: Stephen Frears
Starring: Annette Bening, John Cusack, Anjelica Huston
Acting: (8)
Cinematography (7)
Plot: (7.5)
Entertainment (7.5)
Cumulative: (7.5)
The Last Picture Show (1971)
Directed By: Peter Bogdanovich
Starring: Timothy Bottoms, Jeff Bridges, Cybill Shepherd
Acting: (6)
Cinematography (7)
Plot: (5.5)
Entertainment (5.5)
Cumulative: (6)

Frantic (1988)
Directed By: Roman Polanski
Starring: Harrison Ford
Acting: (6)
Cinematography (5)
Plot: (3.5)
Entertainment (4)
Cumulative: (4.625)
Midnight Cowboy (1969)
Directed By: John Schlesinger
Starring: Jon Voight, Dustin Hoffman
Acting: (9.5)
Cinematography (8)
Plot: (8.5)
Entertainment (8)
Cumulative: (8.5)

Ghostbusters (1984)
Directed By: Ivan Reitman
Starring: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver
Acting: (7)
Cinematography (7.5)
Plot: (7.5)
Entertainment (8)
Cumulative: (7.5)
Raging Bull (1980)
Directed By: Martin Scorsese
Starring: Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci
Hitch (2005)

Acting: (9.5)
Cinematography (9)
Plot: (8.5)
Entertainment (8)
Cumulative: (8.75)
Hitch (2005)
Directed By: Andrew Tennant
Starring: Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kevin JamesActing: (6)
Cinematography (6)
Plot: (6)
Entertainment (6)
Cumulative: (6)

Badlands (1973)
Directed By: Terrence Malick
Starring: Martin Sheen, Sissy Spacek
Acting: (6)
Cinematography (6)
Plot: (6)
Entertainment (5.5)
Cumulative: (5.875)

Moulin Rouge (2001)
Directed By: Baz Luhrmann
Directed By: Baz Luhrmann
Starring: Ewan McGregor, Nicole Kidman
Acting: (8.5)
Cinematography (9)
Plot: (8.5)
Entertainment (9)
Cumulative: (8.75)
I think you've greatly underestimated Ghostbusters. Think about that cast: Bill Murray, Dan Ackroyd, Harold Ramis, Sigourney Weaver, That Black Guy...That's pretty outstanding. I think the acting/comedy in that movie is top notch. I'd rank it among the top 5 comedies of all time.
I'm not sure you can count a movie that you watch daily (MR) in your reviews for last week.
I just re-watched Ghostbusters and it is solid, but it doesn't hold up the way I expected. Bill Murray is great. I don't think I could get it over an 8 though. And I hadn't watched MR in a while (2 or three days). I definitely dicounted the performances. Ewan is great, Nicole is above average, but her accent does fluctuate during the movie which takes away from it a little bit.
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