Gattaca (1997)
Directed by: Andrew Niccol
Starring: Jude Law, Ethan Hawke, and Uma Thurman
Acting (7.5): This is where the film surprised me most. Outside of Alan Arkin, who has a small role in the film, I am not a fan of any actor in this cast. In this film, however, each actor seemed to fit their given role quite well. For the first time ever, I actually found Uma Thurman attractive. She has somewhat of a futuristic android look to her that fall right in line with her character.
Plot (9): This is one of the most intelligent and socially relevant Sci Fi movies I've ever seen. It doesn't take a giant leap with it's dipiction of DNA alteration. Medical ethics and "playing God" are examined closely and criticized subtley. The story, though set in the future, also holds up a critical mirror to today's society regarding discrimination. This is where I think the casting of someone like Ethan Hawke was crucial. As the all American white kid with a heart condition, Hawke makes for a sympathetic protagonist. The fact that he's discriminated against for a lack of perfect DNA feels completely unjust and shows just how ridiculous discrimination in our own society is.
The movie shows a future in which perfection is strived for in every person. Even the slightest "defect" can make one an exile. The fact that an "Invalid" or "God child" was able to outsmart everyone and excel in this dystopia creates great drama and real inspiration. Hawke's character is an underdog in every sense; and one we root for.
Audio / Visual (8): Unlike many futuristic thrillers, this film used much more subtle methods for defining it's futuristic environment. The technology was advanced, but not over the top. Much of the mood in this film was created from the lighting. The outdoors always seemed to have yellowish tint acting as an ever present reminder of the sun and space while the inside of buildings were sleak, metallic, and sterile.
Entertainment (8): The story is very fascinating and engaging. It challenges the view intellectually while still managing to stimulate with excitement. As the plot unfolds and nears it's climax there is true suspense. It's really a fun, intellectual picture.
Overall (8) = Very Good
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