Directed by M. Night Shyamalan
Starring Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch
My good friend and fellow blogger, LD Jackson, was quick to dismiss this film. He used words like "Terrible" and "Wretched" to describe it. Coming from the biggest Shyamalan fan that I know, I was quite surprised and viewed this movie with some apprehension.
I, on the other hand was pleasantly surprised.
Acting: (5.5) In my opinion, this was the film's most glaring weakness. I am in complete agreement with my cohort in the assertation that the film was poorly casted. I have no qualms with Marky Mark. He was simply the wrong choice for the role. His persona did not fit the character and he doesn't have the range to stretch that far. He was much better suited for his recent roles in The Departed and Shooter. Zooey Deschanel brought absolutely nothing to the table. Had Shyamalan cast Matt Damon and Kate Beckinsdale (for example), I think the performances would have been much more compelling.
Effects: (8) There is nobody alive better at creating tension using setting, camera angles, and music. The score and moving clouds in the opening credits set the stage. Shyamalan realizes that an unseen terror is far more effective than any monster the artists in Hollywood can create. The tone and score were perfect accents to the erie scenery.
Plot: (7.5) This is where I think the film is unfairly criticized. The real star of The Happening is the "happening"....not the people that it's happening to. Outside of Lady in the Water, Shyamalan's films are rarely character driven. Shyamalan creates terror out of a simple breeze. The idea that perhaps the Earth (or just it's plants) are fighting human intrusion and pollution is fascinating. Never one to be inconspicuous, Shyamalan hammers home the idea that this Happening could be a punishment from Mother Earth using a simple real estate sign saying "You deserve this!" Many critics are quick to point out the anti-climatic ending. I fail to see how it was any less climatic than the end of Signs, which I consider to be Shyamalan's best work. In fact, I see a lot of parallels between the two films. The techniques used by Shyamalan to buid suspense in both films are very similar. Perhaps that's why I enjoyed it so much.
Entertainment: (8) I really feel like this is Shyamalan's best work since Signs. The pace was brisk and the tension and dread was genuine. With this film, Shyamalan went back to an old formula for producing nightmares. He has developed a distinct style that I have really come to enjoy. I wouldn't call this his best work, but I consider it a success. It's certainly not the caliber of film that Signs or The Sixth Sense are, but I would argue that it could have been.....with the right casting.
Overall: (7)
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